Forum Discussion

Dean_Gross's avatar
Silver Contributor
Oct 12, 2017

Photos from Workday

What is the recommended method for getting empoloyee photos from Workday into Azure AD/Office 365?

  • dgr4it's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Dean_Gross Looking for pretty much the same answer...

    So far, I've come up with two strategies:

    1. Download, then import
      1. Download first the photos from Workday (or get them directly from your HR department if they have them)
      2. Use PowerShell to batch import all the photos at once into O365 (example).
    2. Use some dedicated commercial solution such as Hyperfish.

    Personally, I would rather go with 1 above, but haven't yet found a direct way of batch download Workday profile pictures (though I have the feeling it should be possible using the Get_Person_Photos method of their API.


    PS: I have no relationship whatsoever with any of the links posted, just sharing what I've found together with my own issues.

  • J-Ludowese's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Dean_GrossI had the same question! any updates on a direction or tips for getting this worked out would be greatly appreciated.
