Forum Discussion
New Setup 2 Domains
Fix what? From your description, everything is showing precisely as it should.
If what you're intending to ask is: how to I get a user with a userPrincipalName in Active Directory of:
someName @ domain.local
To be set as:
someName @
(Note, I've had to use spaces to get around this forum stripping out SMTP-style addresses)
Then you are focusing on the wrong thing. You need to read up on and understand how to perform attribute mappings - specifically using expressions (and functions - Replace() would be your best bet), as that kind of name translation has nothing to do with the agent installation.
- Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync new agent configuration - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Learn
- Attribute mapping in Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Learn
The other approach you might be able to leverage is changing the existing values for SMTP-like attributes such as userPrincipalName, mail and proxyAddresses in Active Directory first, which would allow you to use direct mappings rather than expressions in the Cloud Sync mappings (see the screenshots in either/both of the articles above).