Forum Discussion
Mar 24, 2017Copper Contributor
initials in azure ad / office 365
does someone know, if it is possible to use custom initials (synced from local ad) in azure ad and further in office 365? i know it is possible to change it in the local installed office applications, but this doesn´t have any effect to the online versions.
- Dean_GrossSilver ContributorSorry, i'm not sure what you mean by "custom initials". Could you provide some more info please?
- markus.meusburgerCopper Contributor
currently the initials will be generated with the first letters of the (i think) display name, for example "John Doe" gets the initials "JD" but i want to set the initials to "JODO" for example, because i have many "JD"´s in the company, you know what i mean?
an example, where it would be useful: if a user adds something in onenote, you can see the changes highlighted and also the initials at the end, but you do not see (quick) which "JD" it was.
- Dean_GrossSilver Contributorok, now i understand, that sounds like a great idea, unfortunately, i have no idea if it is possible