Hybrid Azure AD Joined and Azure AD Registered dual state

Brass Contributor

Dear All, 


Recently we enabled hybrid azure ad joined on some of our test device, on azure portal those devices will shows dual state, one is hybrid azure ad joined and the other is azure ad registered status. 


However, Microsoft also claim dual state will not happen to windows version 1803 and above. but this bug is observed on our environment. Machines tested are Windows 11 latest build, in order to resolve dual state issue we had to let user manually disconnect account from windows setting (no bueno :facepalm: ). 


Could any expert provide some insight, how can assure the dual state will not happen. this issue had to be resolved before go online


Thank you in advanced 

2 Replies
is your local domain name similar to the domain name verified on Azure ? or your are using a different UPN suffix ?

for example local domain name is contoso.local and in Azure AD contoso.com



Domain are similar for both local and Azure AD