Hybrid AD join - Functional Levels?

Brass Contributor

Hi all,


For Hybrid AD join to be configured, what forest \ domain functional levels are required? The offical docs just say "The minimum required domain controller version for Windows 10 or newer hybrid Azure AD join is Windows Server 2008 R2.",  - Source https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/devices/hybrid-azuread-join-plan#prerequisit...


Our DC's OS is 2012 R2, but FFL \ DFL are at 2003 (I know that 2003 isn't supported, please don't shot me).


But could this be clarified if this means functional levels or OS levels of our DC's?



2 Replies
Bump, could anyone confirm?
I guess you need to upgrade windows 2003 to minimum 2008 As it is not supported https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/plan/deploying-ad-ds-in-a-windows-se...
this article was posted on 2021