Forum Discussion
Jonathan Nunez
Mar 05, 2020Brass Contributor
How to set up external user account expiration for Azure AD?
Right now, we are collaborating with external users using B2B functionalities. These external users are automatically added to our Azure AD Directory when they accept and register thru MFA. Now w...
- Mar 07, 2020
I think you can find some information to your question here:
Oct 06, 2021Steel Contributor
Azure AD doesn't support for setting expiration date for Azure AD accounts currently. currently we use access review from Identity governance and set a quarterly review to validate the user accounts.
You can also use access packages for privilege's users you have an option to define the "Maximum allowed eligible duration is permanent." or make them eligible and define the maximum JIT duration
You can also use access packages for privilege's users you have an option to define the "Maximum allowed eligible duration is permanent." or make them eligible and define the maximum JIT duration
Aug 18, 2022Copper Contributor
There use cases Access Reviews is suboptimal, we highly appreciate an option to time limited guest user accounts in Azure (for example for test purposes in Azure, Company Users want Guest Accounts. And we all know it, it will happen that Users stay on the Guest User becasue there no compliant device restrictions etc.! Aslong we cant limit them in a timly manner there is no option for us). Access Reviews etc are not granular enough for this scenario.