Forum Discussion
Feb 26, 2019Iron Contributor
Getting No Access when trying to access Dynamic membership rules on a Group Base License
Currently I'm testing Group Base License (GBL) in my testing environment, and I went to edit a GBL I currently been using I'm getting "No Access" when selecting Dynamic membership rules
Based on the following Microsoft Doc the minimum license requirement to use Group Base License (GBL) is a "Paid or trial subscription for Azure AD Basic". Currently I have a paid subscription "Office 365 A1 for faculty" which has an "Azure Active Directory Basic for EDU"
The rule still works, when adding users to AD, the user being assign the correct license.
- This issue occurring in my testing environment. Once testing is completed, I’ll will be moving GBL to production
- I had an EMS E5 license which expired Dec. 11, 2018
Any help in is this matter would greatly be appreciated
Thank You,
The feature requires P1 licenses, although usually Microsoft doesn't enforce licensing requirements in code. I'm guessing someone added a check on the AAD page, thus the error.