Forum Discussion
Azure B2B guest users licensing question
Can i aske a similar question with a twist. I have B2B External users also. Howerver they authenticate externally (of course, they are external) in thier local M365 enviroment. On my side , thier External user accounts I have converted thier UserType from "guest" to "member". (for a variety of good and useful reasons... think M&A integration )
In otherwords in my M365 tenent theyt are External-Member (as apposed to External-Guest). My qestion then is, is thier M365 license (from where they came) recognized on my side (as External-Members in my tenant). e.g. do they bring that with them thier license when B2B-ing into my tenent). Or perhaps since they are External- "Members" , i need to assign my licences (if and as required) ?