Forum Discussion

Ryan Miller's avatar
Ryan Miller
Copper Contributor
Dec 21, 2017

Azure AD Stopped returning group claims

Has anyone had odd AzureAD issues recently? A web app at one of my clients began to fail yesterday (about 9:30AM EST) and we determined that the token coming back from authentication was no longer in...
  • Ryan Miller's avatar
    Dec 22, 2017

    Update: I found the root cause. Tracing through the timeline here's what I found. 


    The two broken environments had a new Reply Url added. You wouldn't think that would affect anything, but it does - in the manifest, it resets groupMembershipClaims from All back to null. For the record, generating a new key also sets this value back to null. 


    The other gotcha is that once you have this setting changed back to All, you need to sign in again to get the new token values. That means completely closing the browser or waiting for the token to expire. I'm pretty sure we corrected the issue a few times, but didn't force a reauthentication. 


    Hopefully this helps somebody else.
