Forum Discussion

frog khaleqyar's avatar
frog khaleqyar
Copper Contributor
Sep 27, 2018

Administrative access with our office 365 users on other office 365 environments

Hello Techcommunity,   I am writing to ask about a solution in order to use our office 365 users in other office 365 environments. Our administrators have their own accounts in our office 365 and w...
  • Eli Shlomo's avatar
    Oct 01, 2018



    To work with multi-tenant delegation you've only two options:

    • The first one and the recommended is the Partner Delegation and even you can work with RBAC permissions for specific services.
    • The second is with a third-party tool and behind the scene, some tools authenticate every access with a different global admin user. In some cases is like to use Chrome with multiple profiles.

