Access Reviews for non-Entra Roles

Brass Contributor



Is there a way to conduct Access Reviews for roles in Purview, such as the e-Discovery role?


I know that Access Reviews are normally only possible to be done on Azure Built-in roles, which is something we don't quite often and have set to be done automatically quarterly (monthly for GA) but wondering if this is possible or something that may one day be possible?

We don't have Entra Governance ID licensing currently.


All users have E5 and we are running Entra ID P2

1 Reply
Yes, I verified that the Compliance Administrator and Compliance Data Administrator Roles are listed as options in the Access Review pick list. I did not see any other Purview role listed.
This appears to work with just the standard Entra ID P2 License.
According to the documentation this appears to fall under the category of basic access review and therefore does not require the Entra Governance ID license. Reference:

You can configure the Access review for the two Purview roles in the Entra Portal Here:
You can also still access it via the older Azure Portal here: