Blog Post

Microsoft Entra Blog

Passwordless – What’s it worth?

MicrosoftEntraTeam's avatar
Dec 12, 2019

We’ve known for some time now that passwords are failing as a security mechanism. Passwords are expensive to manage and users struggle to remember them. Passwordless authentication solutions promise better security and convenience, but you may wonder how to start and when you will realize the benefits. As you evaluate your passwordless MFA deployment you may want to consider:


  1. What types of passwordless authentication will work for your business? A variety of options for biometrics, security keys, and mobile apps are available now and can provide a secure and convenient experience.
  2. How much are passwords costing you today? Estimate your hard costs like help desk calls for password resets, and soft costs like productivity loss as a baseline before you start your passwordless implementation.
  3. Is your environment set up to maximize the value? Managing identities in the cloud centrally and setting up for multi-factor authentication are key steps for getting your organization ready.


Watch the video to learn more: Passwordless: What's it worth


Read Go passwordless to strengthen security and reduce costs on the Microsoft Security Blog to learn more in-depth how biometrics work and the steps you can take to begin your passwordless journey and better protect your organization.

Updated Jul 24, 2020
Version 8.0
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