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Microsoft Entra Blog

Azure RMS now in Azure management portal !

Alex Simons (AZURE)'s avatar
Sep 07, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Apr, 04 2014

Howdy folks,

Today I have the privilege of letting you know that we've just added Azure Rights Management (which is built here in the AD team) to the list of services which you can manage from the Azure Management Portal. Now administrators of Office 365 and Azure RMS can configure and manage Azure Rights Management with simple, easy-to-use interface consistent with all their Azure AD services.

Additionally, in this new release, Admins can now create their own custom rights policy templates and define information protection policies specific to their organization's needs. Custom templates complement the default policies that come with Azure RMS, allowing administrators to define how different groups of users within their organization can use sensitive documents.

For example, an administrator may want to disable one of the default policies and replace it with a custom template which specifies that members of the Engineering department can edit new product specifications, while people in the Marketing department can only read them. This is easy in the Azure Management Portal – you archive the default template, create a new template with your configuration choices, and publish it.

Once the template is published you can continue editing its rights and other configurations. The new policies will apply to all content protected with this template, even if it was protected before you changed the policy. This allows you to keep tight control over your sensitive content and the policies that govern their usage.

After you've created your custom templates, end users can apply these templates to their documents using applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and the RMS sharing application. To learn more about managing Azure RMS in the Azure Management Portal and how to configure custom templates, see the Information Protection group's blog .

I hope you'll find these new capabilities useful and as always, we're looking forward to your suggestions and feedback.

Best Regards,

Alex Simons (Twitter: Alex_A_Simons )

Director of PM

Active Directory Team

Published Sep 07, 2018
Version 1.0
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