On the cusp of a new month, just as the new dawn breaks, we have another hot batch of mindful morsels for you to feast your eyes on! Yes, its the TechNet Guru Awards!
This month gave us some delightful reads and top tips and much excitement as some of our best contributors and community legends battled it out for the top spot!
We left voting open until the very last second this month. Already into the new month for many, just to get the last deciding votes in and it was worth it!
Below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, July 2019!!!!
The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!
Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet. See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.
ASP.NET Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Vignesh M | ASP.NET Core: Getting Started (Part 2) | Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Write-up has written nicely, a step-by-step tutorial with images make this write-up perfect." Rajat Jaiswal: "Nice explanation !!!." Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Great post, but I would recommend focusing on ASP.NET Core 3.0 now. :-)" Sabah Shariq: "Content needed to improve a lot for participating guru competition. Suggestion is write something about .NET Core 3 or any new concept." Khanna Gaurav: "Good explanation" |
Shweta Lodha | Tip to avoid duplication of ModelState.IsValid in ASP.NET Core | Sabah Shariq: "Nice tips." Khanna Gaurav: "Excellent tip to avoid IsValid duplication" Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "This was good" Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Nice tip. This is placed as an article, suggestions: it'd be moved to tip instead of articles." |
Microsoft 365 /O365 Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Habibur Rahaman | SharePoint Online: Modern Admin Center |
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Awesome article! The article provides simple and detailed step-by-step tutorial. It's well written and explained well following great images. From the Wiki point of view the article is well structured and well presented. This article is HIGHLY recommended! Well Done!" Pete Laker: This rocks! Thanks Hab! M.Crimp: Close call, tough choice. Nice read. |
Nanddeep Nachan | Office 365 CLI: Upgrade SPFx Solutions |
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Great article. the article is well structured. The content is interesting and valuable to the users. Well done!" Pete Laker: Very nice, thanks Nanddeep, very useful. M.Crimp: I learn something new today. |
Waqas Sarwar | SharePoint Online – Provisioning Microsoft 365 learning pathways Error |
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "This post seems to be part of series of personal blogs. It was not converted well to TechNet Wiki articles (a combination of "shared article" & "Technical article"). It is missing important sections and not structured well. HIGHLY recommend to get feedback in the TNWiki group on Facebook for any article. The content is useful and can be a starting point for awesome article. Thanks for sharing." Pete Laker: Nice start Waqas and vey worthy entry. Thank you! Keep working on it, it will help many. |
Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
- SharePoint Online Modern Admin Center – Bulk Action Features – Bulk Delete by Waqas Sarwar
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "This post seems to be part of series of personal blogs. It was not converted well to TechNet Wiki articles (a combination of "shared article" & "Technical article"). It is missing important sections and not structured well. HIGHLY recommend to get feedback in the TNWiki group on Facebook for any article. The content is useful and can be a starting point for awesome article. Thanks for sharing."
Pete Laker: This feel less Wiki and more bloggy.. Remember there's no "I" in Wiki. Wait, what... Thing is, Wiki articles are very clear and not personalised. Great start though, thanks! - SharePoint Online Modern Admin Center – Bulk Action Features – Bulk Hub Site Association by Waqas Sarwar
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "This post seems to be part of series of personal blogs. It was not converted well to TechNet Wiki articles (a combination of "shared article" & "Technical article"). It is missing important sections and not structured well. HIGHLY recommend to get feedback in the TNWiki group on Facebook for any article. The content is useful and can be a starting point for awesome article. Thanks for sharing."
Pete Laker: As the other, needs less character, sorry. Thank you though, keep em coming! - Office 365 Enabling Yammer.com Service as Social in SharePoint Online by Waqas Sarwar
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "This post seems to be part of series of personal blogs. It was not converted well to TechNet Wiki articles (a combination of "shared article" & "Technical article"). It is missing important sections and not structured well. HIGHLY recommend to get feedback in the TNWiki group on Facebook for any article. The content is useful and can be a starting point for awesome article. Thanks for sharing."
Pete Laker: These are good content, but slightly off "tone". As previous comments. Thanks for your work Waqas. We'll help you buff them up and we all move forwards together. - SharePoint: Emoji in Site Name by Waqas Sarwar
Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "This post seems to be part of series of personal blogs. It was not converted well to TechNet Wiki articles (a combination of "shared article" & "Technical article"). It is missing important sections and not structured well. HIGHLY recommend to get feedback in the TNWiki group on Facebook for any article. The content is useful and can be a starting point for awesome article. Thanks for sharing."
Pete Laker: As others, nice work, just less blog feel please, thanks!!
Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Subhro Majumder | Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template: Deploy multiple instances without changing the code | Robert Smit: "Great!" Rajat Jaiswal: "Crisp and clear." Vishal Narayan Saxena: "Very useful, thanks Subhro" |
Jayendran Arumugam | AzureDevOps: CICD for Azure Data Factory | Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "A good use of multisolution deployments on cloud." Robert Smit: "This was excelent, very good piece, will help others" Rajat Jaiswal: "Thanks for good read!" |
Subhro Majumder | Azure DevOps: Integrate with an Azure Subscription or Management Group | Robert Smit: "Also good piece" Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "A good topic to cover, but lacks text content, please work on that. :-)" Rajat Jaiswal: "Good one." Vishal Narayan Saxena: "Cheers! Liked reading." |
Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
- Azure Analytics & Databases : Create a Data Factory Pipelines From Dynamics 365 To An Azure SQL Database by George Chrysovaladis Grammatikos
Rajat Jaiswal: "Nice explanation."
Vishal Narayan Saxena: "Good one"
SharePoint Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Nanddeep Nachan | Read Modern SharePoint Page Metadata in SPFx WebPart Using PnP | Pedro Azevedo: "Thank you" Mohamed El-Qassas: "Awesome article, well organized and valuable content, thank you!" Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "I liked the topic a lot. From the technical point of view, the article is very useful and well explained. From the Wiki point of view and the presentation/display, the article is well structured. There is place for improving of the text format a bit (using instead of will create a space between lines and will make it easier to read). Awesome work! Well done Nanddeep Nachan."
Siva Padala | Remove Orphan Users | Mohamed El-Qassas: "Great article, valuable script, it would be great to mention in title the technology name like "Remove orphan users in SharePoint" , as well as adding the download section in the article itself instead of comments. Plus discriping and explaining the script in more details, also there is no conclusion, see also sections!!" Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "This article presents extremely important topic and useful code, but lack of explanations. It looks better fit the TechNet Gallery where we post code, than as article where the theory and explanation is the main focus. it missing some important sections like a closure (summary, conclusion, etc) and "See Also" with some links. There is place to improve it, but it's great starting point. Well done!" Pedro Azevedo: "Handy" |
Siddharth Vaghasia | How To Pass Parameters To SPFx Extension By Creating A WebPart UI | Pedro Azevedo: "Liked this one" Mohamed El-Qassas: "Thanks for sharing this article, but looks like you are newbie author in wiki! There are no TOC, no content formatting, no see also and conclusion sections... etc So I suggest to search for how to can write a new article in TechNet Wiki to know more tips and guidance, and share your new articles in our Facebook group to get more guidance." Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Thanks for sharing. I HIGHLY recommend to publish your posts in the TechNet Wiki group on Facebook to get feedback & guidance. This post is not structured as an article but looks like a personal post in a blog. Writing a TechNet Wiki article is totally different from writing a personal blog. It is much harder since you must follow "technical writing" rules as well as "Shared writing" rules." |
SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Mohamed El-Qassas MVP | Power BI: Conditional Formatting | Visakh16: "A nice article explaining various options available within Power BI for conditional formatting based on color palette and/or icons. The flow of the article is good and illustration using images is great. A good quick reference article for someone who needs to implement the feature." Rajat Jaiswal: "Nice one good explanation of various formatting option." Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "This article is as beautiful as the Power BI UX itself. Great job." |
Vishal Jharwade | SSRS - How to use Hive Database (Hortonworks) as data source for SSRS Report | Visakh16: "A simple article explaining how Hive can be used as a data source. The step by step approach looks great for a starter level user. Text font is little small and looks a bit too crowded. Would be nice to increase font and the spacing between the lines to improve the clarity of the article." Rajat Jaiswal: "Good one" Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "I learn so much from this" |
SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Visakh16 | Graph Table Enhancements : Edge Constraints, System Utility Functions | Rajat Jaiswal: "Nice explanation." Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Awesome Article! It is a continuation of another wiki article which was posted on 2017, but it does not include the link to the previous article in the "See Also" section (or any other link to TNWiki articles). The article is well formatted and well written. From the Wiki point of view the article is well structured. Great work. Well done!" |
Mohsin_A_Khan | SQL Server: Understanding and Dealing with Page Restores | Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Awesome Article! From the technical point of view, the article covers a scenario which is not common but HIGHLY important! It's well written and explained well with full step-by-step tutorial. From the Wiki point of view the article is well structured, but it is recommended to add some links to other relevant TNWiki articles in the "See Also" section. This article is HIGHLY recommended! Well Done!" Rajat Jaiswal: "This will help many people to restore the page. Nice one." |
Srinivasa Rao Gude | How to check if any view has metadata binding errors after DB refresh | Rajat Jaiswal: "Cool tip" Ronen Ariely (aka pituach): "Thanks for sharing. I HIGHLY recommend to publish your posts in the TechNet Wiki group on Facebook to get feedback & guidance. This post is not structured as an article but looks like a personal post in a blog. Writing a TechNet Wiki article is totally different from writing a personal blog. It is much harder since you must follow "technical writing" rules as well as "Shared writing" rules." |
System Center Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Leon Laude | DPM 2019 Troubleshooting: installation error “Failed to perform the check” | Joseph Moody: "Solid guide!! Very straight forward and great use of pictures." Robert Smit: "Thanks for contributing Leon" Nicolas Bonnet: "Nice tip, will help others muchly" |
Transact-SQL Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Vishal Jharwade | SQL Server - How to authenticate encrypted password stored in SQL table using T-SQL programming | Visakh16: "Simple article showing the ways of sending user password and authenticating using them in encrypted form. The article is a little small compared to normal Wiki article. Could have added more explanation in text to supplement the code part. The flow of article also looks a little different from normal wiki article format." Rajat Jaiswal: "This will help people who are using the password unencrypted in their database. Nice one. would be a great help if you can add encryption type and chance to decrypt this by a hacker." Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "It would have been amazing to discuss details of PWDENCRYPT function, and security holes (decryption), and can we migrate the data to another system?" |
Visual Basic Technical Guru - July 2019 |
.paul. _ | VB.Net - Password Strength Meter | SYEDSHANU: "Great Article Paul.Good to see an example for password strength using winform.Thanks for sharing." Rajat Jaiswal: "Simple enough to understand." |
Karen Payne | .NET: Defensive data programming Part 4 (a) Data Annotation | SYEDSHANU: "Great article karen and good explanation of codes ,nice to see why credit card field is with numeric Textbox and returned as string.Nice exlanation and thanks for sharing." Rajat Jaiswal: "Thanks Karen, always good reading" |
.paul. _ | VB.Net - Using Parameterized Queries to protect against SQL Injection | Rajat Jaiswal: "Thanks Paul useful piece" SYEDSHANU: "Nice article paul,Lots of articles available related to the topic, if had added more details and examples means it might be more good.Thanks for sharing." |
Visual C# Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Karen Payne | Windows forms Entity Framework Code first from database | Jaliya Udagedara: "Great detailed article with nice explanations. Well done!" Rajat Jaiswal: "Nice explanation." Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Good intro, thanks Karen" |
.paul. _ | cs Password Strength Meter | Jaliya Udagedara: "A nice approach to show password strength in a Windows Forms application." Rajat Jaiswal: "Useful tool" Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Nice" |
Karen Payne | Moving from ADO.NET To Entity Framework | Rajat Jaiswal: "Good read, will be useful to many" Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "I liked this read" Jaliya Udagedara: "Interesting article!" |
Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:
- C# - Using Parameterized Queries to protect against SQL Injection by .paul. _
Jaliya Udagedara: "A short and simple solution to handle SQL injection attack. Cool!"
Rajat Jaiswal: "Good piece"
Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - July 2019 |
Siddharth Vaghasia | Remote PowerShell Execution For SharePoint On-Premises | Pedro Azevedo: "Very useful indeed!" Joseph Moody: "Thank you for this! Because I don't use SharePoint often, it was nice that you outlined the case for remote PowerShell execution and then showed how to accomplish it." |
A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last month's competition.
Great to see so many passionate people giving much of their time to pass on the know. There is no end to the talent we have seen through the doors of TechNet Wiki, and the list just keeps getting longer! Yes, that's you by the way! Just an article a week could help you raise the rankings and invited into many other groups within inner and outer circles.
Do you think you could do just as good? Have you a few useful posts you could cointribute back to the community, via the world's most famous and venerable publishng platform - TechNet Wiki?
We could do with some fresh faces, so please come and help us shape the next generation and the technology they will use.
Best regards,
Pete Laker
More about the TechNet Guru Awards:
Updated Mar 31, 2020
Version 10.0Peter Laker
Bronze Contributor
Joined March 16, 2017
Microsoft Developer Community Blog
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