Azure Logic Apps team is happy to announce the Fall 2021 release at the Ignite conference.
Why it matters: Logic Apps is a key part of Azure Integration Services, at the //build conference this year, we announced the General Availability of Logic Apps Standard, a flexible, containerized, modern cloud-scale workflow engine you can run anywhere. Over the past 6 months, we've seen accelerate growth of the service. Equipped with feedbacks, recommendations, and business scenarios from customers like you, the team have worked extremely hard to deliver this release, addressing many of the top asks.
The big picture: Microsoft has been named as a Leader in 2021 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Integration Platform as a Service, this marked the 4th year of Microsoft as a leader in terms of both ability to execute and completeness of vision. In addition, Microsoft have also been named as a Leader in the Forrester Wave™ on Enterprise integration platform as a service (iPaaS).
Gartner MQ on enterprise iPaaS
Go deeper: the Fall 2021 release of Logic Apps is feature-packed, most of them will be available by the time you're reading this blob post, with the rest being rolled out and becoming available throughout the week of Ignite.
- SQL as storage provider is now in public preview. Storage is a key piece of the Logic Apps service, it is where the runtime stores the states of the workflows as they are running, enabling Logic Apps to be highly resilient and suitable for mission-critical workloads. With the new runtime, it is possible to create and run Logic Apps Standard anywhere: locally, on premises, multi-cloud thanks to Azure Arc. The SQL as a storage provider feature allows you to use a SQL database as storage for Logic Apps, which can be co-located with wherever the Logic Apps runtime is. This removes the dependency on Azure Storage, and affords you low latency, more predictable cost, and the ability to run in a fully disconnected manner if needed. Learn more
SQL as a storage provider
- Managed identity provides an identity for applications to use when connecting to resources that support Azure Active Directory authentication. In the Fall 2021 release, we added managed identity support for multi-auth capable Azure connectors such as SQL and Azure Blob in Logic Apps Consumption, as well as managed identity support for all Azure connectors in Logic Apps Standard. Learn more
Managed identity in Logic Apps
- Automation Tasks provides all Azure customers an easy way to automate their daily tasks, with just a few clicks, you can create tasks that automatically turns on and off the virtual machine on a schedule, purge old blobs in the storage account, or get a monthly usage report sent via email. In this release, the Logic Apps team have partnered with the Azure messaging team on building the experience for easy event replication. As a customer, you can choose from out-of-box templates to replicate the actual messages and events (rather than just metadata) between and across Service Bus queue, Service Bus topic, and Event Hub. Stateless workflows in Logic Apps standard are used to power this experience behind the scene, so you know the replication is highly performant. Learn more
Automation tasks for event replication
- Designer is the key to fast development, and we have made it even better. Following the major designer refresh that gave it a new look-and-feel, designer have also gotten a performance boost with the latest release. The lines rendered on the canvas is more intuitive to help you better understand the flow, especially for composite actions such as Condition and Switch. Learn more
Line rendering on condition action
- Consumption to Standard export is available for public preview. To aid customers with existing Logic Apps Consumption resources to upgrade to Standard, an export experience is available in the Azure portal. It will analyze the workflow and help you create corresponding resources in the Standard SKU, accelerating the adoption and unlock richer capabilities in Logic Apps Standard such as virtual network integration.
Export Logic Apps Consumption to Standard
- Connectors, a key value proposition for Logic Apps is continuously being improved, including SFTP with trigger support; flatfile encode/decode without Integration Account dependency in Logic Apps Standard; Cosmos DB with trigger, CRUD, and bulk create support; and lastly but certainly not least, peek-lock support is added to the built-in Service Bus connector to allow the implementation of advanced messaging patterns.
See for yourself: make sure to check out our demo-packed session for Ignite that also features how ASOS, a global leader in fashion and tech, is leveraging Logic Apps to deliver innovate solutions.
What's next: if you are not already using Logic Apps, get started today with 12 months of free services a see how Logic Apps can help your business innovate faster. If you are an experienced Logic Apps customer, be sure to check out the new features, and as always, let us know your thoughts and feedback in the discussion section below.
Derek Li, on behalf of the entire Logic Apps team
Updated Nov 02, 2021
Version 4.0derek1ee
Joined December 07, 2020
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