Forum Discussion

tk298's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 15, 2021

User restricted from sending email false positive

We have an email address that keeps getting blocked from sending emails with the alert saying "User has been restricted from sending messages outside the organization due to potential compromised activity." This is a false positive and the email address keeps getting blocked after unblocking. What action should I take to not let this happen again without removing protection?


Thank you

  • JosePinos55's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Hello tk298 


    What is the reason for the block? There are several ways to tackle this issue without removing security but you first need to find out the reason for the block? 


    For example, if you send 200 emails within 5 minutes you are likely to get blocked. All depends, on your organisation email policies. You need to find out what policy is getting triggered. With this information I should be able to help you further.



