If no staff is selected, don't just grab the first one, randomly select one

If no staff is selected, don't just grab the first one, randomly select one



 Jul 29 2022
1 Comments (1 New)

We use bookings for all of our appointment booking service, but have discovered that if no staff is selected for a given service, then it books the service with the first available staff on the top of the list (which is alphabetical, and cannot be changed).


So our staff whose names start with A and B get an overwhelming number of bookings, and our staff whose names begin with T and V get almost zero.


An ideal version of this system would evaluate who has the fewest appointments that day and assign it to them, or it could keep some kind of internal tally of how often it has assigned to each staff and try to be as equitable as possible. However, even randomly selecting one would be a better alternative at this point. 


If no staff is selected, grab a random one from the list but not always the same staff. Anything to balance it out.

Copper Contributor

Documentation shows that currently it is randomly assigned to open staff - if true? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/bookings/bookings-faq?view=o365-worldwide#what-chang...