Auto-select first date OR Show only available dates of Service

Auto-select first date OR Show only available dates of Service



 Feb 22 2023
2 Comments (2 New)

Allow Customization of the Booking Page View: Month Overview vs. Available Dates.

Add an option to allows to "Jump to first date" or "Show only available dates for the service".

Instead of the month version, show only available dates for the respective service, ie in a table view (i.e. if the service has less than 10 dates available).

Especially for single-date events it would be great to let the system automatically jump to the according date instead of requiring the user to scroll through the months on the booking page's calendar.

Thanks for your consideration!

Copper Contributor

Upvoted. It is silly that this is not a feature yet. There should be an option to automatically go to the first available date. The first thing users see shouldn't be a blank month with no available dates, especially for 1-time events.

Copper Contributor

Seems like a standard appointment making feature many other platforms have. Would be great for Bookings to have this too. Don't see why it isn't a feature already!