Add additional attendees to booking

Add additional attendees to booking



 Jan 26 2022
5 Comments (5 New)

I would like to add additional attendees to a meeting.  I have meetings with only one client at a time, and sometimes that client brings their spouse or a friend. I want all attendees to receive the invite and reminders.


If I increase the maximum number of attendees to 2, then 2 unrelated attendees could book the same time slot (which would be double booked).  


As it stands currently, I can only add one attendee per time slot and a separate invite has to be manually sent out for the additional attendees.


Another use case would be adding additional staff to the meeting.



Copper Contributor

We definitely need this for my org as well. We often have customers who need an additional person to attend with them, a secondary email field would be just fine for this. 

Copper Contributor

If a person books a room in microsoft bookings, one would like to add attendees to that appointment. I don't see a feature where I am able to do this...

Copper Contributor

I spent the last month on the internet trying to figure out if this was possible, and now I find out that it is not. Wish I knew this before phasing out Calendly :( Every other booking software has the possibility to register additional people to a meeting, but Bookings does not, which means that customers only have the possibility to see e.g. the agenda and timeslots from me and my colleague, but still have to schedule a meeting themselves because several other people from the team need to join which is not really customer friendly.

Copper Contributor

This is the exact issue I've been trying to solve for my team. This feature is great for folks who are booking fitness classes (for example) and having a high "maximum number of attendees" means that multiple people can sign up for the same time slot - but we need the ability to add people manually to a booked meeting without opening that same time slot to completely unaffiliated clients. I've seen this same question posed twice in early 2022, but we're over a year and a half from those original posts - checking to see if anyone has found a way to accomplish this with Bookings or knows if they've improved this feature & it's just really hard to find out how?

Brass Contributor

We used to be able to work around this by adding them to the Outlook calendar appointment. Looks like you can't do that anymore. Agree, this is a huge need for us too.