Forum Discussion

Pawel_Biolik's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 05, 2023

Send From address different from primary SMTP

I though this will be straightforward case...


I want users to have different logins UPNs and Primary SMTPs from the email address that is used in the From filed of the email. For example I want my login to be XY @ domain dot com but when I will send an email it will be sent from Xavier . Yeti @ domain dot com this email will obviously be one of my aliases so it there is no problems with communication.    

I know users can use the Send from Alias functionality, however it would be so much easier to have it configured on the organization level.


I have already check the Exchange Mail Flow possibilities but there is no option to do so. Is there a way of achieving this without having a third-part ID provider? I noticed the new Microsoft Entra ID has a nice collection of Identity settings and policies however I did not found anything over there.

    • Pawel_Biolik's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thanks, I will have a look into that solution, however this would be more like a workaround of what I wanted to achieve, especially that we depend fully on cloud solutions, so I will have to distribute that via Company Portal / PS script.

      I have already enabled the option to Send from Alias for our users and I could instruct them how to do it properly...
      • Pawel_Biolik's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Works fine, but only for the "Old Outlook". I do not know when this one will be deprecated and fully resolved with the "New Outlook" but when that happens I'm back to where I started from.
