Office 365 - Simple PowerShell script to refresh members of an Exchange Distribution Group

Steel Contributor

When you are in charge to support end user into their daily activities, the Distribution Group is a basic option. In many case, the number of members can change regularly and do that with Outlook screen is not sustainable.

This following script will give you the basic option to clear the team members and add all members referenced with their email addresses. It could be adapted easily to use another source (CSV, TXT, ...) as list of emails.



[string]$MyDistributionGroupToClean = "MyDistributionGroupName"
$AllEmailsToAdd ="email address removed for privacy reasons","email address removed for privacy reasons","email address removed for privacy reasons","email address removed for privacy reasons","email address removed for privacy reasons","email address removed for privacy reasons"
# -------------------------------------------------------
#Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -Force
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -DisableNameChecking
# -------------------------------------------------------
$CurrentDLGroupMembers = Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $MyDistributionGroupToClean -ResultSize Unlimited 
$CurrentDLGroupMembers #visual control
foreach($mymember in $CurrentDLGroupMembers)
    if($MemberEmail -eq "")
        Write-Host "   -> Member:", $mymember.Name, " - ", $mymember.PrimarySMTPAddress, "- NOT REMOVED - NO EMAIL" -ForegroundColor Red
        Remove-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $MyDistributionGroupToClean -Member $mymember.PrimarySMTPAddress -Confirm:$false
        Write-Host "   -> Member:", $mymember.Name, " - ", $mymember.PrimarySMTPAddress, " - REMOVED" -ForegroundColor Green
$CurrentDLGroupMembers = Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $MyDistributionGroupToClean -ResultSize Unlimited 
$CurrentDLGroupMembers #visual control

foreach($NewAccount in $AllEmailsToAdd)
    Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $MyDistributionGroupToClean -Member $NewAccount -Confirm:$false
    Write-Host "   -> Member:", $NewAccount, " - ADDED" -ForegroundColor Green
$CurrentDLGroupMembers = Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $MyDistributionGroupToClean -ResultSize Unlimited 
$CurrentDLGroupMembers #visual control

This solution is simple to use or delegate to a support team.

Fabrice Romelard


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