Office 365 Downloadable Icons

Copper Contributor

Hi Everyone,


Can anyone share to me please the link we can download the Office 365 apps icons  that we can use for training and documentation purposes? Thank you.

27 Replies
I think Microsoft has not provided any official logos that can be downloaded yet...what you can find are just unofficial logos maed by some other people

@adam deltinger These are from someone who appears to be from or working for Microsoft (though the Dropbox link is somewhat curious)

Thank you everyone. You all rock!

@Christopher Hoard Im looking for the same but that link doesn't work anymore?

Here we go. Here is the official ones


1.) Login to

2.) Go to resources

3.) Tick the box downloads

4.) Download the branding tookit with all the icons




Hope that answers your questions!


Best, Chris

Thank you! :) @adam deltinger 

Oh thank you so much @Christopher Hoard 

@Christopher Hoard 

That's great, thanks so much, I'm still missing Intune and Azure Information Protection from the Microsoft 365 Business Premium subscription level.

Anybody managed to get hold of these yet?



This solved my long search! Thanks for sharing
download icon office 365

@Christopher Hoard Thank you! This is a great resource. How frequently is this resource updated? I am looking for the Lists logo and it is not in the set.

Great answer. Thank you


If you look around Microsoft's Fluent UI site (here) and inspect some of the images they show, then you could probably figure out how to get what you need.  Examples: Word logo is at  and the .docx (Word document) is at .

Read their license agreements and use accordingly!

Thank you very much!