O365 OWA shared mailboxes not auto-syncing

Copper Contributor



So we have a few employees who primarily use shared mailboxes in their day-to-day work to communicate with customers and third parties. We added those to their OWA interface, expecting that it would sync them automatically. However, mail sent to a shared mailbox does not appear until they specifically open that mailbox's respective folder, which means they have to periodically go through all of them manually to check if any new mail has arrived.


To clarify:

1. Mail is sent to a shared mailbox and received.

2. Generic R. Employee has their personal inbox open. There is no mail notification or number indicating that there's unread mail in the shared mailbox.

3. Generic R. Employee eventually opens the inbox of the shared mailbox in question. The folder now syncs and immediately shows there's unread mail. Had Generic R. Employee not opened the shared folder's inbox, they would've had indication that there's unread mail.


Occasionally (and very randomly), step 3 further fails in the sense that the number next to the folder indicates there's unread mail but said mail isn't visible after opening the folder. This is "fixed" by reloading the browser tab.


Is there any way to make OWA auto-sync shared mailboxes to at least show there's unread mail? Clicking through a bunch of folders manually every 5-10 minutes really isn't an acceptable solution.

1 Reply

Why don't you simply open them in another tab using the "Open another mailbox" functionality (click on your profile picture on the top right corner in OWA)? Or even using a new browser instance.


Another option to consider is adding them as additional accounts in Outlook, but this might cause problems if the size of the shared mailbox is too large.