Forum Discussion
New infographic: Periodic Table of Office 365
Note: This infographic has been updated to include Microsoft Forms. The link is still the same ( The image above should no longer be used.
Second note: This infographic has been transformed into a dynamic web page. Continue using the link in the above paragraph for access.
- Jun 18, 2017I think you need to use the full URL ( for a link here on the Tech Community site!
- DeletedJun 19, 2017
Thanks for letting me know. It actually was correct at the URL level. It was only the display text that lacked the protocol. So I made them equivalent. I find bugs in this platform every time I come back. :(
- Paul StawskiJun 22, 2017Copper Contributor
Great work, Matt. Could you also make available the original (Visio I assume)? I would like to adapt it somewhat to fit our own architecture and vocabulary. I can't seem to find the proper files for the icons (the 2017 CnE visio template does not have them...).
Of course you will get full credits for the original.
- DeletedJun 22, 2017
It's actually done in Illustrator due to the complexity and graphic-heavy nature. I've gotten so may requests like this that I just can't send the original out. Too overwhelming and not enough time to deal with them all. Sorry. :(
- Paul StawskiJun 23, 2017Copper Contributor
No problem. But can you then explain how I could get the (white-filled) icons for all of the services? Did you screen scrape them or can we get to the originals?
- ChristineStackJun 23, 2017Steel Contributor
Hey Matt,
You do such a great job don't you think you should do an infographic and blog about external/guest/anonymously access for each app. I am just trying to get my head clear with Yammer and adding an external member to a conversation vs creating an external group vs creating an external network vs inviting guests into your home network. Really external access can be the make or break of using an app and O365 groups complicates the whole thing.
- DeletedJun 23, 2017
At some point maybe. Lots to cover there, though. I did cover external sharing in SharePoint Online with these infographics.
- ChristineStackJun 23, 2017Steel Contributor
Thanks for the link to the SP external sharing infograohic. O365 connected SharePoint sites have added a whole new layer to externals (especially those being made from Yammer). I am sure I will see you posts when and if you ever have time to tackle this one.