General Questions SFB on Prem, SFB online and Teams.

Iron Contributor

Hey Guys, 


Sorry for these basic questions here. But i may be starting a new job which might require that i provide support for SFB On-Prem/Online, Teams etc. So just some general questions on intergration/interoperability


1) If a user is using SFB On-Prem are they able to connect and chat with Teams users? Or is it client to client? I realize various operating modes come into play here but i just wanted to get an idea as to how it worked. 


2) If a user has Teams only, can they communicate with SFB on prem users? SFB Online users? 


3) Is hybrid co-existence mode required to be setup between SFB On-Prem and SFB online if you want to use a move-csuser cmdlet to migrate a user? 


4) When you migrate a Skype for Bus on prem user to the cloud is all conversation history migrated as well? Or is that just stored in outlook? 


5) Can you have a on-prem mailbox and the same user migrated to SFB online? 


6) Can all users (once hybrid is configured) communicate with each other? meaning can a user homed on prem communicate with a SFB online user and vice-versa? it looks like they can i but i just wanted to be user:


Thanks and sorry for the basic questions. 




5 Replies

@adam deltinger 


Thanks I will take a look at those links. 



@adam deltinger 


Ok so here: 


Users already using Skype for Business/Lync on-premises use their existing on-premises account.


Does that mean that if i have an SFB user homed on-prem, once his ad account is sync'd to the cloud (source of truth AD) and an office 365 license is assigned he will be given a Teams account homed in Office 365? 


Split accounts? Am i understanding that correctly? 



Yes he can have teams in island mode, not teams only! For that he needs to be moved online in Skype

@adam deltinger 


All Teams users have an underlying Skype for Business account that is “homed” either online or on-premises:

  • Users already using Skype for Business Online use their existing online account.
  • Users already using Skype for Business/Lync on-premises use their existing on-premises account.
  • Users for whom we cannot detect an existing Skype for Business account will have a Skype for Business Online account automatically provisioned when the Teams user is created.

Ok so the documentation is unclear, then. If you want to have a user who has both teams and skype, they certainly can, but in order for that to work the user would need to be homed in SFB Online and not SFB on prem? 


Do i have that right? 



