General Question: Microsoft 365 admin console tab label

Brass Contributor

I've never noticed before, but I do now. My admin tab label in any browser I choose, across several networks, displays as "Početak - Microsoft 365 admin center" via login through


I am not Serbian, my company has no affiliations with Serbia, and our regional settings are not Serbian. Yet, that "Početak" is the word for "beginning" in Serbian. I'm thinking maybe Serbian contractors or Microsoft devs maybe made a mistake? I cannot find anything relevant to this via searches, so maybe someone has an answer on here. Maybe I'm overthinking, but just curious. I'm also not a developer, so the answer might be something very innocent.


<*UPDATE 4/4/24*- Microsft appears to be rolling out a fix either regionally or all together. NA tenants look to be getting attention (ours is displaying correctly now). Looks like this was simply a language mishap, as pointed out in the noted "best response" in this thread. Thanks all for the interest and getting this noticed! >

76 Replies
Hey there!

I don't have much information, but it does seem like this is something effecting all Microsoft 365 admin users. I found a few others sharing their experience on Reddit but nothing concrete.

I was certainly concerned seeing my admin tab in a different language. Hopefully someone here can give a better explanation.


I noticed the same thing this morning. The Admin tab shows "Početak - Microsoft 365 admin center". I have not seen this before and a bit concerned why it changed.

We are facing the same as well. Kinda freaked out when I first saw it.

@RS_Admin This is a huge problem. It looks strange enough to be a sign that a sloppy developer or hacker changed the language on us. I started a support ticket that went a little like this: 


Me: Either Microsoft screwed something up or we are on the leading edge of a solarwinds size attack. MS needs to say something about which it is immediately. 

Microsoft: Have you tried inprivate browsing?

Me: This is being reported on hundreds of tenants across the US and world. This isn't a (mycompany) screwed up error or an individual machine error:

Microsoft: We need to collect super detailed logs from your machine and then you need to email them

Me: If your legal department confirms you are A. Not a 3rd party contractor, B. Located in the USA and C. Covered by the Microsoft BAA, then we can do that. Or you could check your own tenant.

Microsoft: Uhhh what,  we will delete your data when we are done. It is very safe.

Me: I need to escalate, this is way above your pay grade

Microsoft: So you refuse to give us the logs

Me:  So you refuse to escalate this case, yes or no


Circles and circles. We are having a meeting in a few hours to discuss the risk/cost of shutting down all systems and wait for MS to say something vs the risk of losing protected data if this is a real incident. No other indicators of compromise, no unexpected activity on firewalls etc. Waiting for my lawyers to weigh in as well. Can we actually sue them if we lose a bunch of money over this?


Microsoft support is beyond useless at this point. They have home user level support for E5 licenses. Why can't I just pay $20k per incident like the old days with premier cases? I would do that in a heartbeat and move on. 

Other text coming up for the google to index and get us some help/answers:

Svi centri administracije
Povratne informacije o proizvod

I haven't screenshotted much else. Anyone else have examples? My gut feeling is someone at MS pushed bad code yesterday. But you never know when you get to be the one to discover the next big incident.


Support called me regarding the open ticket for this today. They had me clear my cookies like ten times lol. Eeeessh. Figured after the first time it wasn’t going to change.

Also seeing this, but so far no impact on anything that I do within the site. MS needs to send out an alert about this.
Same with our end, my current location is Philippines. Do you have any update from Microsoft Support?
We ended up in a battle of "who will end the case first." after about 2 hours of chatting back and forth. We gave up and quit after they said this:

If there is any issue or service degradation going on from Microsoft end, then it will directly appear on Health portal of Microsoft 365 admin portal and as of now we can't find anything listed related to language change in URL. Additionally, we can't verify the issues mentioned in 3rd party article until or unless it has posted by Microsoft team itself.

Apparently, these guys have never found an issue that ended up in the health portal. I have.
I am also having the same issue.
it's resolved now !!



It's still a problem for me.

Still an Issue for me too.
Also having this issue.


This is happening to me as well in Maine. To put it bluntly, MS doesn't really give a crap.

@XanBrennanZI was also alarmed by it. It's what brought me to this site!

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by RS_Admin (Brass Contributor)
Solution uses resources hosted on for those tab titles. In this case, that request looks like this:

Connection: keep-alive
sec-ch-ua: "Microsoft Edge";v="123", "Not:A-Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="123"
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"
Accept: */*
Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site
Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors
Sec-Fetch-Dest: script
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9

Although the path contains "en" as the lang code, the strings are (as everyone noted) in Croatian. All the other locales I tested (it, de, etc.) don't appear to have the same bug. Just "en." Also, uses Akamai as a content delivery network, and this .js file is cached with Cache-Control max-age=630720000 (20 years?). So even if it was fixed on the origin servers, the Akamai cache would have to be purged, or they would have to use a new file path, and that appears to be their approach (this one has the release date /2024.3.28.1/ in the path).

This has already been confirmed to be a bug that Microsoft is working on by other members, I just wanted to provide some additional details based on what I see.

View solution in original post