Forum Discussion
Export to PST via Powershell
- Aug 10, 2017
No way to do it without going to the SCC and initializing the download via the click-one app, sorry. Perhaps you can automate it via AzCopy or some other tool that takes container/token as input - you can get those via the Result property of Get-ComplianceSearchAction.
As for the cmdlet, make sure you also use the -Format parameter!
The Format parameter specifies the format of the search results when you use the Export switch. Valid values are:
FxStream Export to PST files. This is the only option that's available when you export search results from the Security & Compliance Center.
Mime Export to .eml messsage files. This the default value when you use cmdlets to export the search results.It's most likely what causes the issue in your case.
To clarify, everything up to the physical exporting can be scripted with basic existing cmdlets. To do the actual export, you would have to write some additional code to do this via the GUI, as there is currently no cmdlet to grab the export and save it locally.
Here is the scriplet regarding this function:
# Create Compliance Search - Export Email
$SearchName = "Export - " + $term.Name
New-ComplianceSearch -ExchangeLocation $user365.WindowsLiveID -Name $SearchName
# Start Compliance Search and wait to complete
Start-ComplianceSearch $SearchName
Start-Sleep -s 5
$complianceSearch = Get-ComplianceSearch $SearchName
while ($complianceSearch.Status -ne 'Completed')
# Create Compliance Search in exportable format
New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName $SearchName -EnableDedupe $true -Export -Format FxStream -ArchiveFormat PerUserPST
#Wait for Export to complete
Start-Sleep -s 5
$complete = Get-ComplianceSearchAction -Identity $ExportName
while ($complete.Status -ne 'Completed')
I was indeed looking for a way to physical exporting for the search. Guess I will have to do that manually.