Forum Discussion

Julia Foran's avatar
Julia Foran
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 03, 2018

Accept & Do Not Send a Response

Hi Calendar Community,

We'd like your feedback & reactions to a change we're considering:


Current experience:

When attendees receive a meeting invite, they are provided with 3 response options:

The first two options (Edit the response before sending & Send the response now) both send an email to the organizer, and the attendee's response is recorded in the organizer's tracking list.


The third option (Do not send a response) does not notify organizer, so the attendee's response remains as "None" in the organizer's tracking list.



What we'd like to change:

Many users report that they expect Do not send a response to be recorded in the organizer's tracking list, but just not to send an email. We are considering updating the behavior so that all 3 response options are recorded in the organizer's tracking list. Attendees can still use the Do not send a response option to avoid sending email to the organizer, but their response would now be recorded & shared with organizer.



Questions to the Community:

  1. Do you like this change? Does this match what you & others are expecting?
  2. What about when an organizer does not request responses (so there is just a simple Accept button without additional options)? Do you think the intention is to avoid email responses? In other words, would you expect this same behavior (responses are always recorded) to apply even when organizer does not request responses? 
  • Julia Foran 


    What's the status of this change to allow for tracking the response if the user selects "Accept Do Not Send a response"?


    Thank you - Jack
