[Outlook Add-In] - Allow add-in and toolbar icon to be different

[Outlook Add-In] - Allow add-in and toolbar icon to be different



 Nov 30 2023
1 Comments (1 New)

It would be good to allow the ability to have different icons between the outlook add-in and the toolbar (on outlook web where add-in shows up as icon) 


Our requirement is to showcase a monoline icon on Outlook Web toolbar, while the add-in itself should showcase our product icon. We realized that changing the <IconUrl> in the manifest.xml is the only way to change the icons, but it will update both the toolbar AND add-in icon to the same icon.


The add-in support told us to replace the 16x16 icon in <Resources> to monoline, and it would accurately reflect in the toolbar, but seems it doesn't seem to take effect.


To better illustrate our issue, we have included a photo below:




On the left, we have the toolbar icon (which we are trying to change to monoline icon). On the right, we have the add-in icon, which we are trying to keep the same.


This feature request is to allow ability to showcase different icon in toolbar vs. add-in.

Copper Contributor

How do we get our plugin in the email action panel like you have on the left? Could you point me at a manifest example or documentation for this? 


thank you