Office JS Save and Close methods for Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Office JS Save and Close methods for Word, Excel and PowerPoint



 Sep 30 2021
10 Comments (10 New)



These are two features which we are extremely interested in. I've been asking in many Community Calls but I haven't had any ETAs yet, so hopefully posting here helps.


Please could we have a consistent method for Word, Excel and PowerPoint to save a file? Word and Excel have ‘’ and ‘ but they lack similar options for behaviors (eg. skip the save dialogue). PowerPoint does not have yet. Please could we have an equivalent method for all three (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) with similar options/behaviors? This is really needed for developers. Please an ETA would be appreciated.


Similar to the previous question, could we have an equivalent method for all three (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to close files with similar options/behaviors? This is also really needed for developers. Please an ETA would be appreciated.


Thank you so much in advance!


Hi @jaime_from_synergy ,


Thanks for posting the asks. Do you mind share more details for your scenarios to help us understand how critical the consistent save APIs / close file APIs are for you? This will help us to understand the requirements better. Thanks.


Wenjun Gong

Office Platform Team 

Iron Contributor

Hi @Wenjun Gong,


Thank you for following up and asking.


This is a key requirement for document/file automation through the Office JS Add-in platform.


For example,  I have some files in Word and in PowerPoint that are used as templates. The end-user wants to make some automations (eg. include information in both the docx and pptx files), then save them programmatically to a cloud location as PDFs, and then close all editable local docx and pptx  files automatically when the process finalizes without saving the local files.


We have many use cases like this (happy to tell you more information if you need it) and I am sure many other Office JS developers would welcome these  save and close APIs. Today, we still need to maintain older COM/VSTO add-ins, only because we those APIs are not available in JavaScript yet.


Please let us know for any additional information you might need, we would really welcome that Microsoft adds those APIs.


Thank you,





Iron Contributor

Hi @Wenjun Gong,


Thank you for following up and asking. This is a key requirement for document/file automation through the Office JS Add-in platform. 


For example, I have some files in Word and in PowerPoint that are used as templates. The end-user wants to make some automations (eg. include information in both the docx and pptx files), then save them programmatically to a cloud location as PDFs, and then close all editable local docx and pptx files automatically when the process finalizes without saving the local files.


We have many use cases like this (happy to tell you more information if you need it) and I am sure many other Office JS developers would welcome these save and close APIs. Today, we still need to maintain older COM/VSTO add-ins, only because we those APIs are not available in JavaScript yet.


Please let us know for any additional information you might need, we would really welcome that Microsoft adds those APIs.


Thank you,



Copper Contributor

Those two features we will be extremely interested, i'am needing a lot of this feature. 

Iron Contributor

Hi @Wenjun Gong do you have any update on this? Thank you, any progress would be much appreciated!

Copper Contributor

Is there any Save API/Method available for saving power point slides?

Iron Contributor

@Muhammad_Ans unfortunately not...


If you are also interested in this functionality, please bring it up on the Microsoft Office Add-ins community call ( so hopefully they implement it sometime soon.

Brass Contributor

This would be a great extension, not having these methods is a showstopper for many of our use cases


Please check out Word JavaScript API requirement set 1.5 - Office Add-ins | Microsoft Learn for Word Save and Close APIs. Thanks. 


Hi there! Thanks for the suggestion. Save/close workbook is also supported in Excel since Requirement Set 1.11. Please check the details below:




Thank you!!