Line break in Office.js Ribbon Supertip (LongStrings, ShortStrings)

Line break in Office.js Ribbon Supertip (LongStrings, ShortStrings)



 Jun 06 2022

As user I would like to add line breaks inside description of Supertip in intention that added description of what that button do be more clear to user. So something like this:

As I read documentation and understood that Supertips should be defined in manifest.xml with properties of Title and Description, which are added through Resources specifically LongStrings and ShortStrings:



    <Title resid="shortStringId" />
    <Description resid="longStringId" />



I am not able to add line break to them, I tried with multiple suggestions to create line break, but none of them work. Only way I manage to do it is to add lot of spaces and then force linebreak  in Supertip but on different versions of Word those spaces are not forcing line break, they are just shown as spaces :smile:


As a conclusion I would love to have this feature integrated inside office.js, is this something that is considered to be done?


Thank you!