Determine user who sent a shared mailbox message

Determine user who sent a shared mailbox message



 Jan 10 2022
7 Comments (7 New)

In order to determine the user who sent a shared mailbox message, we suggest adding a property of sent messages indicating the user who sent it as a delegate; e.g., message.delegateSender or message.actualSender.

Our app reports on shared mailbox activity, including who is sending replies and new messages. Currently, since Graph does not give us access to shared mailbox message sender information, we are forced to do it via the addition of internet message headers with an Outlook add-in and (since the Sent Items message objects don't include the header we added) an Exchange rule that Bcc's outgoing mailbox messages back to the mailbox.



Bronze Contributor

To determine the user who sent a shared mailbox message you can use UniSent add-in.

Steel Contributor

Thanks, our app needs to work on the Web, Mac and iOS as well as Windows, so unfortunately a COM add-in won't help.

Bronze Contributor

Could you please describe in details what exactly does the add-in you have mentioned and why do you BCCing a modified message - it might be I'll suggest something.

Copper Contributor

Hi Victor, Emailgistics is a complete solution for helping teams manage shared mailboxes. What makes us unique is that we do this right inside of M365. One of the services we provide is tracking which users are replying to each of the messages in an M365 shared mailbox for both auditing and reporting purposes. We want to be able to do this exclusively using our Graph integration. That integration however, is limited by the capabilities exposed by Graph. Missing from Graph is any information on which user is performing an action on a message in a shared mailbox (this includes replying, deleting, etc.) We've created workarounds for this (our add-in in combination with BCC'ing) and our solution works very well, but it would be greatly simplified if Microsoft added the basic actor information to the Graph for shared mailbox messages. Hence this request. 

Copper Contributor

This is such a simple requirement that we want to be able to know the actual user who sent an email through a shared mailbox, as a shared mailbox. Why do we need to find a workaround and/or use Powershell to get this simple information? This should be included, in some way, through Microsoft Graph's `/messages/{id}` endpoint directly.

Bronze Contributor

Hi @piyushchugh,

could you please confirm that you cannot detect the real sender if there is "Sent on behalf of" right is assigned? 

Bronze Contributor