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Boost digital event engagement with Voting and Archiving in Teams Q&A

samsearth's avatar
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Oct 15, 2024

Managing and delivering effective town halls is key to enabling two-way dialogue with leaders in today’s hybrid world. Microsoft Teams Q&A makes meetings like town halls, webinars, or training sessions more interactive and productive. We’re excited to announce two new features that help town hall admins better manage the Q&A experience.


Voting: Prioritize Key Questions

Voting lets attendees upvote important questions, moving them to the top of the Q&A feed. Here are the options for using this feature:

  • Automatic: Voting is on by default but can be turned off.
  • Fair Voting: Each attendee gets one vote per question.
  • Sorting: Both attendees and organizers can sort questions by votes or activity.

Attendee votes on questions - one vote per user on each question.



Sort to order questions in a different view


Archiving: Keep the Feed Clean

Archiving lets organizers move older or irrelevant questions to a separate feed. In recurring town halls, old questions clutter the Q&A feed. Archiving keeps the current feed focused, while voting highlights the most important questions.


Key capabilities:

  • Selective: Organizers can archive all or specific questions.
  • Visibility: Both attendees and organizers can view archived questions via the filter.

Archive all conversations confirmation screen



Voting and Archiving in Teams Q&A ensures meetings are interactive, focused, and productive. Use these features to keep your audience engaged and your Q&A organized. Learn more about these at

Updated Oct 14, 2024
Version 1.0
  • Does the roadmap have any features to enable organiser grouping/categorising of questions? Some of our calls have over 150 questions, often on similar topics but are posted at different times. We currently use a third party Q&A app where we can set our own categories behind-the-scenes so we can filter and group similar questions together.

  • Will it be possible for attendees to easily access the Q&A ahead of the call? We currently use a third party Q&A tool on a separate link that allows attendees to ask questions and upvote those already asked before and during the call, enabling presenters to prepare answers and prioritise topics to focus on.