Power Automate corrupts the excel sheet when saving

Copper Contributor

Ive created a flow in power automate which automatically is checking the shared email inbox and once the specific email with the specific excel sheet arrives, it will be saved on the sharepoint. So far it worked, but the excel sheet get corrupted everytime it saves it. the error message is saying "This workbook couldn't be opened because the file format may not be matching with the file extension." why is this happening? 



2 Replies



How about the task to extract from mailbox to Excel? Any issue?

@Kidd_IpWhat do you mean? I'm facing the issue when the file is outputed/saved on the sharepoint it is corrupted and the error message when openning the file is telling me that This workbook couldn't be opened because the file format may not be matching with the file extension." Do you know why? 
