Forum Discussion
Aug 25, 2023Microsoft
Multiparty private offer (MPO) for selling partners
I just wanted to share some best practices if you, as a selling partner, are working on an MPO deal with an ISV to sell an offer to an end customer.
A MPO can be set up quickly in Partner Center; however, it's required that your account is enabled for MPO first. Not meeting the requirements can delay you from completing the deal on time.
I highly recommend that you check all the requirements below and complete the sign-up in advance. It will save you a lot of time when you move further into setting up the deal.
Below are the requirements:
- You have enrolled in the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program.
- You have created a commercial marketplace account in Partner Center.
- Your account is enrolled in the commercial marketplace program.
- You have a completed United States tax profile in Partner Center for commercial marketplace.
- An ISV has created a multiparty private offer for you.
- The offer you want to sell privately has been published to the marketplace and is publicly transactable.
- You're creating a multiparty private offer for a customer that is eligible to purchase multiparty private offers. Review the customer eligibility criteria.
- You have a marketplace developer, manager, or account owner role associated with your marketplace seller ID.
For more details, check out the following links:
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