Forum Discussion
MACC Eligible Solutions
Note: Please note that this discussion was carried over from a previous marketplace for partners community discussion. Original authorship has been removed.
When a customer purchases a MACC eligible solution via The Marketplace, what portion of the transaction gets retired on their MACC? Is it Software only, are services applicable, etc?
- justinroyalMicrosoft
Note: Please note that the response below was carried over from a previous marketplace for partners community discussion. Original authorship has been removed.
Azure benefit eligible offer purchases through the Azure Marketplace contribute towards a customer's Azure consumption commitment at 100% of the transaction amount. This includes software/IP charges that Microsoft invoices on behalf of the publisher. 3rd party services are not eligible to contribute towards an Azure consumption commitment. More details in the documentation below, including how to identify which offers contribute to a MACC (if applicable to your organization):
Azure consumption commitment benefit - Azure Marketplace | Microsoft Docs