Forum Discussion

justinroyal's avatar
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Sep 06, 2023

FAQ: Private offer from ISV for Customer whose MACC currency differs from country's default currency

Q: I'm an ISV located in Switzerland and am preparing a private offer in Swiss Francs (CHF). I have a MACC in Swiss Francs (CHF). The Customer (large enterprise) has a Tenant in Switzerland - but their MACC is in USD. Switzerland has a default currency Swiss Francs (CHF).


I've been told that this will not work and the customer will not be able to accept the offer.


Is this correct? What steps do I need to do, to be able to create this offer for this particular enterprise customer?


A: If the customer has an Enterprise Agreement in a currency which differs from the marketplace's local currency, they will not be able to accept Private Offers. Workaround is to have the ISV to create a private plan instead.




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