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Customer review: HeyTaco makes recognizing colleagues’ hard work fun, simple, and satisfying

Luxmi_Nagaraj's avatar
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Apr 24, 2024

HeyTaco is a solution published to Microsoft AppSource which makes it easy for employees to express their appreciation for each other, fostering meaningful relationships that lead to happiness and success. It features leaderboards, achievement levels, and tacos as currency for a fun twist to the recognition process. Microsoft AppSource interviewed Michael B. Stevens, Managing Partner, Derrevere, Stevens, Black & Cozad, to learn what he had to say about the app.


What do you like best about HeyTaco?

I love the way it makes me feel when I see my colleagues expressing gratitude between one another. Before we lived on Microsoft Teams, you’d have to physically be in the right place at the right time to witness random acts of gratitude. Otherwise, you’d miss it and never know it happened. With our gratitude channel on Microsoft Teams, you can pipe in good vibes to your day anytime. The channel has the opposite effect of “doom scrolling.”


How has HeyTaco helped your organization?

HeyTaco adds a level of intimacy and connection that’s difficult to achieve just by messaging and video calls. Seeing people express feelings of gratitude with tacos throughout the day has caused us all to grow closer and be better co-workers.


How is customer service and support?

The product has been so good, we haven’t needed any real support since it was set up. I wish all products were this consistent and reliable.


Any recommendations or insights to other users considering HeyTaco?

Jump in headfirst and disregard the nay-sayers and party poopers. The app is contagious, in a good way. I’ve seen first-hand how people that normally have trouble expressing themselves have used HeyTaco to find a new gear of emotional communication that allows them to be better colleagues. HeyTaco also gives managers another tool to both convey praise and to observe interactions between those on their team.


On a scale from 1 to 5, what is your overall rating for HeyTaco?



Cloud marketplaces are transforming the way businesses find, try, and deploy applications to help their digital transformation. Learn more about Microsoft AppSource and find ways to discover the right application for your business needs.

Updated Apr 23, 2024
Version 1.0
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