Food for WFH - how to think, prepare and make it


Continuing a topic that @David Warner II raised in another thread. The importance of eating and preparing food. Now, this is highly dependent on what you prefer or like but I personally tries to eat, somewhat, healthy when working from home. Since I will, usually, be moving less than I would if I were to go to our office or to one of my customers, I prefer to be just a bit more healthier at home. Also, its about saving time to be able to chill, watch Netflix or do chores during my lunch break as an example. Ill give you a few examples of what I eat, but I hope to see others. Feel free to share recepies as well.

Note. I´m aware that the WFH, especially today, could impact local restaurants, cafes etc. It varies heavily between countries due to the way salaries are payed and the value of tips. However, I always encourage people to support local communities IF you are able to. This is an option, not the only way.


  • Omelets - easy to add left overs to, and your are able to make the vegetarian if you prefer.
  • Subs/sandwhices - to most Swedes, this is very uncommon (since we usually eat a hot meal for lunch as well) but a very easy thing to prepare and make into whatever you like. I recommend to treat yourself with high quality cheese, vegetables, meats, eggs etc. 
  • This may sound odd, but I eat this a lot due to it being filling, low on carbs and fat and high on protein. Quark (in Swedish Kvarg) and/or cottage cheese. To this, add granola, fruit, berries, cereals or whatever you like. I also would recommend having cottage cheese, mix it with whipped cream and add vanilla to it. Its a great dessert or snack - especially combined with fruit. 
  • Left overs - in general a good thing. Make a bit extra the day before to ensure you have lunch the day after.

What do you eat while working from home?

6 Replies

@Simon Binder, I find I eat left-overs from last nights dinner more often when working from home. I definitely save money and see less waste. My kitchen is conveniently a few steps away and I can prepare whatever I need. Whereas at work, the kitchen is limited. 

Cool topic. Interested to read what others have to share. 

Meal prep has always been part of my weekend ritual, and I've always enjoyed it! Has proved to be super helpful this week so I just need to reheat/quickly cook something between meetings.

@Simon Binder I really like that wfh I can control the quality of the food I consume. Such as the amount of sugar and butter. I love eating out, and when I do city days about 2-3 days a week (usually!) its like a treat day. I will head out for Thai, Vietnamese or other amazing cultural options in the city. But you don't know the hidden cholesterol or fat/ sugar in purchased food. So when wfh its nice to go back to basics. I love a simple eggs on toast or home salad. 
One tip from me is be careful not to reach for carbs because you are sitting so much. I find when I wfh I do less walking. I will jump in the car with kids for school drop off then straight to the desk. I love that I can get more hours done with no commute, but have to make myself find time to get in the steps that are so easy to clock up when commuting and around the city.

Yeah, and its a fun thing to do with the family for us. We usually do weekend preps anyways, due to me traveling and it helps my wife when I´m away. So its a great thing to do, and the secret is that some dishes actually tastes better after a few days or when heated :)
We have been on a low-carb diet for quiet a while now, which has worked for us - but in general I think its important to remember that. I find that, even if Im at a customer or at our office I walk at least 4-5 times as much during the day as when im WFH. Therefore, you need to adapt what, how, when you eat or ensure to get that regular "exercise" (which dont have to be anything other than just a walk around the block) somehow. Thank you for sharing!
Working from home (WFH) offers the opportunity to enjoy homemade meals, which can be healthier, more affordable, and tailored to your preferences. Here are some tips on how to think, prepare, and make food for WFH:

Meal Planning:

Plan your meals for the week ahead, taking into account your work schedule and dietary preferences.
Create a shopping list based on your meal plan to ensure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand.
Stock Healthy Staples:

Keep your pantry stocked with healthy staples like whole grains (rice, quinoa, oats), canned beans, canned tomatoes, spices, and olive oil. These ingredients form the foundation for many nutritious meals.
Prep in Advance:

Consider prepping some ingredients in advance, like chopping vegetables or marinating proteins. This can save time during busy workdays.
Balance Nutrients:

Aim for balanced meals that include a combination of proteins (e.g., chicken, tofu, beans), healthy fats (e.g., avocados, nuts, olive oil), and a variety of vegetables and fruits.
Quick and Easy Meals:

On busy days, opt for quick and easy meals like salads, stir-fries, or wraps. These can be prepared in a short time and provide essential nutrients.