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Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog

HLS Show Me How - Templatizing Structured Notes for OneNote In Microsoft Teams

MichaelGannotti's avatar
Apr 19, 2019

Yesterday during a customer onsite, we worked on improving patient treatment through improved care provider communications and collaboration with Microsoft Teams. I the course of looking at ways to improve various communication needs the subject of Handoffs came up. Handoffs are regularly used by many professionals across industries including healthcare and life sciences to ensure continuity of service and addressing of identified needs. In this case hospice nurses would fill out a Microsoft Word Template and email along the Handoff so the next nurse could pull up the notes and provide that continuity of service. This is a fairly common scenario seen where a template is filled and forwarded via email. The issue is that the subsequent handoffs must be compiled. If a consulting Dr. or other professional needs to be involved they may or may not have access to the emails. Looking at this we realized that there was a better way to accommodate this using the native OneNote functionality within Microsoft Teams.

In this HLS Show Me How I demonstrate how to templatize OneNote creation to provide consistent capture of information that is instantly available to all members of a care team. The same process I use here for Handoffs can be used in conjunction with any templating needs as well.


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Updated Jul 12, 2019
Version 2.0
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