181 TopicsFree GitHub Copilot for Visual Studio Code
A free version of GitHub Copilot is available for Visual Studio Code with 2,000 code completions/month. That's a great deal. See https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2024/12/18/free-github-copilot for details. I recommend using GitHub Copilot to create PowerShell scripts for Microsoft 365. For more details, seehttps://practical365.com/github-copilot-powershell/17Views0likes0CommentsUnderstanding What Happens When the Connect-MgGraph Cmdlet Runs
This article describes what happens when the Connect-MgGraph cmdlet runs in interactive and app-only sessions with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. A session is created and a context is established, and it's possible to use the session context to do real work. https://practical365.com/connect-mggraph-context/32Views0likes0CommentsProcessing Microsoft 365 Retention Labels with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
Two types of retention labels are in use: Microsoft 365 retention labels and MRM retention tags. Clients hide the difference, but the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK cmdlets can only process Microsoft 365 retention labels for files stored in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. EWS can manage MRM retention tags, but it’s on a fast path to retirement in 2026… https://office365itpros.com/2024/12/18/microsoft-365-retention-labels-ps/14Views0likes0CommentsStop resource room/mailbox on deleting meeting invites and keep the auto-accept functionality
I tried different kinds of rules and the powershell command: Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity "RoomMailboxName" -DeleteNonCalendarItems $false But it doesn't change the behavior. Hope you guys can help35Views0likes1CommentManage PIM Role Assignments with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
This article describes how to create eligible and active PIM role assignment requests using cmdlets from the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. Although the PowerShell code is straightforward, Microsoft recommends using the Entra admin center for Privileged Identity Management. But you can automate the management of role assignment requests if you want to. https://office365itpros.com/2024/11/14/pim-role-assignment-powershell/46Views0likes0CommentsExtracting Value from Entra Sign In Logs
Entra ID sign-in data is a valuable source of information for Microsoft 365 tenant administrators. Although you can browse sign-in data through the Entra admin center, working with the data through PowerShell reveals all sorts of possibilities for analysis to answer questions about who is connecting to your tenant. https://practical365.com/entra-id-sign-ins/33Views0likes0CommentsAnalyzing Microsoft 365 Copilot Interactions Using Compliance Records
Every time Microsoft 365 Copilot interacts with a user, the Microsoft 365 substrate captures the Copilot interaction as a compliance record in the user's mailbox. By fetching and analyzing the compliance records, we can understand how the user interacts with Copilot. This article discusses how to retrieve and analyze the records with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. https://practical365.com/copilot-interactions/86Views0likes0Commentssharepoint online DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks
reposting Igor's question here as per MSFT's suggestion : "How can I disable the 'Share with entire organization' option globally for OneDrive and SharePoint in Microsoft 365? I've examined the documentation athttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/solutions/microsoft-365-limit-sharing?view=o365-worldwide#sharing-with-specific-peopleand discovered PowerShell commands such as 'Set-SPOSite -Identityhttps://contoso.sharepoint.com-DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks Disabled' for SharePoint sites and 'Set-SPOSite -Identityhttps://contoso-my.sharepoint.com/personal/my_alias_contoso_com-DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks Disabled' for OneDrives. The challenge is executing these commands for each site and user in our environment. Is there a method to apply this globally across the entire organization?"996Views0likes3CommentsPer-User MFA State Added to Tenant Passwords and MFA Report
A Microsoft Graph update makes per-user MFA state available for user accounts. Being able to access the data means that we can include it in the User Passwords and Authentication report. You can now see if accounts are disabled, enabled, or enforced for per-user MFA along with all the other information captured about passwqrd changes, MFA authentication methods, and so on. https://office365itpros.com/2024/06/14/per-user-mfa-state/852Views0likes6CommentsHow I Write PowerShell Scripts for Microsoft 365
The question of how best to write PowerShell for Microsoft 365 was asked during a TEC 2024 PowerShell workshop. There are many variables, and one has the right answer. To start the ball rolling, this article describes how I write PowerShell for Microsoft 365 using a variety of modules such as Exchange, SharePoint, Teams, and the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. https://office365itpros.com/2024/10/11/write-powershell-for-microsoft-365/149Views0likes0Comments