send email
4 Topicsemail address and variables
Hi, I have a SharePoint list which holds lots of different information. In that list is a field called 'Engagement Lead' where the name can be different for each item on the list. I'm trying to setup a notification so that Scheduled email runs at 20:00 ever night Looks for anything in the SharePoint list that has been updated that day Send and email to those people (in the Engagement Lead field) advising that something has been updated, take a look. The problem i'm having is, say for example there are 3 entries that have been updated today. My Power Automate workflow will work as such Identify all records that have changed Send email to Engagement Lead 1 Send email to Engagement Lead 1 AND Engagement Lead 2 Send email to Engagement Lead 1 AND Engagement Lead 2 AND Engagement Lead 3 which obviously shouldn't be the case, it should be Send email to Engagement Lead 1 Send email to Engagement Lead 2 Send email o Engagement Lead 3 I'm aware that the problem is most likely with my Apply to Each loop but i can't seem to work it out. Hoping this makes sense?!?You are not authorized to send mail on behalf of the specified sending account
Hi guys, I created a form where users can enter data. Based on the form a flow is generated which should (besides other things) send out an email to a fixed e-mail address. I´m getting the Response details from the form and receive the "Responders Email" When I create the email I use "Responder´s Email" as "from" but then the system generates the above error. When I leave the "from" empty, then the sender is always me (as the creator of the form). I also tried to get the mail-adress of the user via get user details (v2) and use that one as "from" but same error. So far my googling has not been successful so I hope someone can help me her.Send an email V2: Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups in Power Automate workflow
Good afternoon, I've created a workflow to send emails within our organization when an action has been completed. This works for 4 out of the 5 individuals in our org. However I receive the following Undeliverable message when sending to just one of our employees using the Send an email V2 in power automate. I'm confused as why it sends fine to the other 4 individuals and just this one throws an error. Thoughts? Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: Employee Name (employeename @ Your message wasn't delivered because the recipient's email provider rejected it. Diagnostic information for administrators: Generating server: employeename @ Remote Server returned '550 5.7.520 Access denied, Your organization does not allow external forwarding. Please contact your administrator for further assistance. AS(7555)'Why it shows my email address under FROM email even someone else has submitted this below request
Hi, I am trying to build an internal ticketing system via Mircosoft Forms to Email/Teams and I am utilizing Power Automate to build a flow but whenever someone else has submitted a request then it shows my email address under FROM when I receive the email into the group email. Please advise how do I authenticate other internal emails and have them available as FROM email instead of mine only? Please advise on this. Thanks Kaushal