5 TopicsUpdating Planner task description from list in Excel
I have successfully created a flow that allows me to create tasks in Planner with customised checklists for the type of task. E.g. Project Title1 - Project Task1 - Checklist Item 1 - Checklist Item 2 - Checklist Item 3 I would like to extend on this to update the decription of the task based on the Project Task 1 variable in the table.Message error during update Excel from Planner ( List rows present in a table - filter query)
Hi all, I am struggling with flow when it stops on last row and pop up failed run. I have 4 buckets, 10 tasks. I updated 2 tasks from 10. But into excel were not written any changes. As a tutorial I used video: I really took care about apostrofes. Error at process: Error at List rows present in a table I got error: {"statusCode":400,"headers":{"Pragma":"no-cache","x-ms-request-id":"e852943b-a48c-46e1-bc11-5080f3011982","Strict-Transport-Security":"max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains","X-Content-Type-Options":"nosniff","X-Frame-Options":"DENY","Timing-Allow-Origin":"*","x-ms-apihub-cached-response":"false","Cache-Control":"no-store, no-cache","Date":"Thu, 04 Feb 2021 11:37:22 GMT","Content-Length":"544","Content-Type":"application/json","Expires":"-1"},"body":{"status":400,"message":"Syntax error at position 7 in 'Task ID eq '4UnB1z8ZaEKAahNLmb9818gAGMU1''.\r\n inner exception: Syntax error at position 7 in 'Task ID eq '4UnB1z8ZaEKAahNLmb9818gAGMU1''.\r\nclientRequestId: e852943b-a48c-46e1-bc11-5080f3011982","error":{"message":"Syntax error at position 7 in 'Task ID eq '4UnB1z8ZaEKAahNLmb9818gAGMU1''.\r\n inner exception: Syntax error at position 7 in 'Task ID eq '4UnB1z8ZaEKAahNLmb9818gAGMU1''."},"source":""}} Just for demonstration excel table, called as TablePA after manual export from Planner: I am wondering, whether the name of the column can be with space between words??? I am absolutely exhausted with finding the error. Maybe it can be caused by condition: ValueID from "Apply to each" bucket and Value BucketID from "Apply to each" Tasks? Please could you help me to solve it? Thanks, PetraFLOW: Workflow for new Employee / Create Planner Task wie an "entered" due date
Hi everyboddy, I´m playing with FLOW for creating a workflow for "setup" new Employees, which means: If I start the flow, I enter some important Data for the new empoyee (Name, Department, DATE of first workday) - and after this, the flow creates different tasks for different departments inhouse, so they can make their nessecery jobs (such as Order Notebook, setup AD-user, activate Mobile-SIM, and so on). My problem is: I would like to schedule this tasks according to the date when the employee starts to work (so calculate from due-date, NOT from now). Therefore I would like to set the DUE Date Time for a task in dependance from the entered start-date. For example: Employee start ad 01.03.2018. --> So due date time of the task for the notebook-order schould be 6 Weeks in front of this date. The due date time for the Task for creating AD-user schould be 1 week in front... and so on. But: If have not found a possibility to set such a due date time dynamically according to an entered Date. It seems only be possible to have a "utcNow()" +- whatever. Any Ideas? Thanks in Advance, Ruediger