4 TopicsAdaptive Card "Only Show When" based on string value containing
I have an adaptive card that I'm using in Power Automate. The source is from a SharePoint list that has a multiple choice field that can contain any combination of "Facebook", "Twitter", and/or "Instagram". The adaptive card has a section for each icon to appear based on if the "Platform" value contains the corresponding value (e.g., Facebook icon appears if the Platform value contains "Facebook"). I can't seen to get the syntax correctly so that the icon only appears when the value contains the correct platform. With my current coding, the icons appear regardless of the value. Any thoughts? See attached image. But the current code is: "items": [ { "type": "Image", "size": "Small", "spacing": "None", "url": "https://i.imgur.com/FM5R4eW.png", "id": "Instagram_Image", "$when": "$contains(\"@{body('Join_PLATFORMS')}\",\"Instagram\")" }SolvedNeed help retrieving MS Form response and insert it into a cell in .xlsx
Hi MS Power Automate Specialists, Experts and Gurus, May I trouble you to help me a little bit with this question? I created an MS Form to get a text response and then I would like to insert this text into E2 cell and send me an email with this excel file attached. Basically, I can just create new .xlsx in my Onedrive/Sharepoint and use create a table then update row actions in the flow, but I do not want to place the file temporarily to any place, I need it to be sent to my email directly. By doing so, I use Compose action to get the file content and then use the Send an email action to send that file. but the problem is the .xlsx created and attached in the email cannot be open due to a file error. I suppose there's something wrong with the file content in the Compose action { "$content-type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "$content": [{ "cms_item_id": "120978", "data_version": "A", "translated": "TRUE", "language_id": "6", "data": "@{outputs('Get_response_details')?['body/r1c6600e386c648b3a04e9bce374cce47']}", "record_status": "1", "created_by": "", "created_when": "", "last_modified_by": "", "last_modified_when": "" }] } Could you please help verify and suggest how I should fix the code to make this flow work? Thank you in advance PjuvishFlow and using JSON to post in MS Teams?
I am new to JSON and do not understand how to use it fully. So far i have only added a bit of text with JSON posting from Flow to Microsoft Teams. But all i get to work is {"text":"some random text"} As soon as i try to add another textblock or anything else that i google. Flow wont accept it. Is there limits to what i can use from flow? Using the app builder in Microsoft Teams. I can generate this code. But this wont work atall when i try to use it in Flow { "attachments": [ { "contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.hero", "content": { "title": "some title", "subtitle": "some subtitle", "text": "some random text", "images": [], "buttons": [] } } ] }Not able to fetch data source from custom API in Power apps
Hello Team, I have created a custom azure API which get records from the sharepoint multiple lists based on some business needs. Now we have created a custom connectoes in Power app. When i tested the custom connectors below json is display. "[{\"odata.type\":\"SP.Data.InvoiceapprovaltasksListItem\",\"odata.id\":\"4d5eb3aa-f285-48f6-90e0-32514b5177f6\",\"odata.etag\":\"\\\"3\\\"\",\"odata.editLink\":\"Web/Lists(guid'6d41d1bb-b5a0-42e6-a723-2b0ea2ccf7fe')/Items(334)\",\"TestInvoiceUniqueRefID@odata.navigationLinkUrl\":\"Web/Lists(guid'6d41d1bb-b5a0-42e6-a723-2b0ea2ccf7fe')/Items(334)/TestInvoiceUniqueRefID\",\"TestInvoiceUniqueRefID\":{\"odata.type\":\"SP.Data.InvoicetrackerListItem\",\"odata.id\":\"3b82e4a6-c9b2-4480-970e-6f7d6795cfed\",\"TestInvoiceUniqueID\":\"Invoice000326\",\"TestInvoiceNumber\":\"1\",\"TestTotalGrossValue\":500000.0,\"TestVendorName\":\"GHD PTY LTD\",\"TestGeneratedPrNo\":null,\"TestInvoiceDate\":\"2017-11-30T18:30:00Z\"},\"Id\":334,\"ID\":334}]" Created a new Power app from blank phone layout. Added new gallary in power app. Selected connector from datasource to select the datasource. Added method GetRecords() in items formula but it gives the error that "The property expects table values but this rule produces incompitable text values" Also i found that there are not no data source is selcted even i have selected it from connectors I have found that Power apps forms are supoprtaed tabular datasorce. 1)How can i create a tabular data source from cusom API? 2)Is power apps suported json format ? if yes then in which format Json pass from API? 3)Should we convert json to tabular format in power apps? Thank You Dipen