1 TopicACCESS Form does not show all records when Subform is present
Hi All! I'm suffering a strange quirk with my Access forms/subforms. Whenever I set up a form / subform combo the form does not show all the records it should be showing. I have 3 tables. Table_1 holds the company data. When I select one ORGANIZATION (I have 7 right now) from the yellow dropdown ACCESS should populate the CONTACTS I have in said ORG and show them as a continuous subform (CONTACTOS). I get the list should nor be longer than whatever fits above the next subform (maybe 20+ at the moment?). But it's only showing 2 (out of a possible 33). The lower subform shows all Interactions (call, visit, email, etc.) I had with that person (presently 1) that I selected in the CONTACTOS subform.. Notice there are 33 records in CONCTACTOS, but ACCESS is only showing 2. If I scroll down I can see all 33 just not at the same time. If I remove the last subform or push the window up or down or pull the first form's background up or down the number of records shown grows or shrinks. Any ideas as to why it happens and how I can fix it? I'm sure I'm missing some parameter somewhere in properties but I haven't found it yet. Can I force ACCESS to show a certain number of records? Please help! Miguel2.4KViews0likes1Comment