access 2019
5 TopicsDoCmd.TransferText not working in Access 2019 and neither is Stop command
I have a function that worked correctly when running the mdb under Access 2010, but it no longer works under Access 2019. In addition, the vba is ignoring the Stop command. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Private Sub cmdExportDoctorListByFax_Click() 'Create the export file Stop If MsgBox("This function will export a list of all doctors that have a fax number to " & "C:\PremiersDoctorListByFax" & Format$(Now, "yyyymmdd-hhmm") & ".txt" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you wish to perform the Export?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1) = vbYes Then DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "qryExportDoctorsInfoBasedOnFax", "C:\PremiersDoctorListByFax" & Format$(Now, "yyyymmdd-hhmm") & ".txt", False MsgBox "The number " & Format$(Now, "yyyymmdd-hhmm") & " that is appended to the name PremiersDoctorsListByFax, stands for the current date and time!" End If End Sub1.7KViews0likes3Commentsaccess:ふりがなウィザード、住所入力支援について
使用環境:Windows10 access2019 ①ふりがなプロパティを使用し、名前(漢字)→ふりがなを表示する設定を行いたい。 エラー状況:既存で設定されている箇所(正常にふりがなに変換される)を修正しようとするが、型が一致しませんのダイアログが出て修正できない。新規で作成時、型を合わせて作成しても上記と同じ状態である。 ②住所入力支援プロパティを使用し、郵便番号から対応する住所を表示したい。 エラー状況:真っ白の住所入力支援ウィザードが表示され、キャンセル、次へ、完了のみ表示されている。次へをクリックすると、住所を入力するフィールドを指定してください。の表示が出てくるが、住所の構成のラジオボタンを選択すると、ダイアログが出てエラーが発生。 ダイアログの内容:イベントプロパティに指定した式 更新処理でエラーが発生しました:データ型の不一致。 上記のエラーを修正できず、質問よろしくお願いいたします。1.2KViews0likes0Commentssecondary Axis problem
I have put my question in several forums but i did not get answer, one of them replied they do not support Access 2019. I have made a combination (Modern Chart) in MS Access 2019. 2 line charts and 2 column charts as below picture. with below sample data: From_To First Issue Plan (This Perid) First Issue Actual (This Perid) First Issue Plan (C) First Issue Actual (C) FROM 01/03/2021 to 01/09/2021 0 1 12 2 FROM 01/10/2021 to 01/16/2021 10 0 22 2 FROM 01/17/2021 to 01/23/2021 0 0 22 2 FROM 01/24/2021 to 01/30/2021 0 0 22 2 FROM 01/31/2021 to 02/06/2021 0 1 22 3 FROM 02/07/2021 to 02/13/2021 0 0 22 3 FROM 02/14/2021 to 02/20/2021 0 4 22 7 FROM 02/21/2021 to 02/27/2021 0 3 22 10 FROM 02/28/2021 to 03/05/2021 0 0 22 10 FROM 03/06/2021 to 03/12/2021 8 0 30 10 FROM 03/13/2021 to 03/17/2021 0 0 30 10 I have used Column chars for: First issue plan (this period) First issue actual (this period) and line charts for First issue plan(C) First Issue actual(C) now i want to use secondary axis for line charts but when i set secondary Axis for them in chart setting it does not show any chart so i have set on primary axis, I would like to know how i can solve this problem.1.1KViews0likes1CommentAccess Activation
I have installed and activated Access 2019 on my MacBook Pro running Windows 10 Pro virtually on top of Parallels 16. I am having difficulty with Parallels freezing and the screen messing up. Also it is slow. I wanted to move it to Bootcamp ON THE SAME laptop so I uninstalled it where it was running. I went to Bootcamp and installed it there but it would not activate because the product has already been used on another laptop. So can you help me move it over to Bootcamp?705Views0likes1Comment