Did you know that today is 20 years since we declared RTM (Released to Manufacturing) of Exchange 4.0?
Okay, so maybe this did not happen in the galaxy far away, but it sure feels like it! Here is a great overview of Exchange's earlier years (up to Exchange 2007).
Exchange has been evolving for over 20 years now, and is still going strong! From our humble beginnings, adding SMTP protocol through an IMC connector as well as web access to email in Exchange 5.0 back in 1997 (that was some cutting edge stuff back then!), starting to play in service waters 10 years later in 2007 (ever heard of Exchange Labs?) all the way to where we are today with Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Online – we have gone through many a transformation.
One thing is certain, though – we would not have been here without you, our customers. You keep pushing us to get better and bring you more features. When we do something wrong (yeah, that happens), the incredible Exchange community is always quick to let us know. And for those of you wishing that this virtual birthday celebration could somehow take place in person, you’ll want to sign up to attend Microsoft Ignite in Atlanta.
Thank you for all the support and amazing ride! Anyone up for 20 more?
(Hat tip, Tony.)
The Exchange Team
Updated Jul 01, 2019
Version 2.0The_Exchange_Team
Joined April 19, 2019
Exchange Team Blog
You Had Me at EHLO.