Summing random marked cells

Copper Contributor


I am trying to create a sheet with various products I am selling. Alla I want to do is to mark the price cells using ctrl+mouse-click to mark them and the total sum to appear in the designated cell.


How do I do that?? There's probably a really easy answer but I can't for the life of me find it...

5 Replies



It looks like all you want to do is a simple SUM function.


On the cell you want to view the desired sum use:





Where cell1, cell2, cell3 are the cells you want to sum. Just control+click them when you are creating the formula, separating each of them with your current region separator (I assume it's "," but it could also be ";"...)

@MAngosto Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I want it preset so I don't need to write any formula, only once...

I simply highlight or mark the cells and it directly shows up in the pre designated cell what the sum of it all is.

Or if I make "checkboxes' and it sums up those


Yes, you may do that with check boxes. It's easier now on Beta version, otherwise perhaps more convenient is to use drop-down lists from data validation, like


Thank you! That might work!

@Bjrnen , you are welcome