Pulling data from different tab which is requested by the user

Copper Contributor
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and I have an issue that I am hoping can be fixed.

I have a vast calendar-like spreadsheet which details meeting rooms and when they are occupied. Each day of the week is a separate tab in the spreadsheet (for easy readability) and it includes all possible meeting rooms and the time slots when they are occupied.

I am hoping to create a dashboard for this document where I can select the chosen date and meeting room and it will show me when that meeting room is occupied. Is it at all possible to draw data from a spreadsheet tab that has been selected by the user (via data validation dropdown) and display when the meeting rooms are occupied?

Here is a link to an example of what the calendar document looks like.

Thank you all in advance :smile:


3 Replies



Hi, please see attached document with proposed solution.



Thank you for your help @Martin_Angosto!


I have added the current file I am working on, will this answer still work when there are multiple meetings for a room on the same day?





When I was thinking about a solution for your problem, I also thought about the possibility of having more than one meeting in the same room. However, the structure of the workbook you attached is not quite suitable, as it contains merged cells (which are generally speaking a mess for formulations).


I propose a rearrangement of your current structure. Attaching my same document with Day 1 changed with multiple meetings. Note that I have only changed Day 1, so the formulation only works for Day 1 in order to show you how it could work. Make proper changes as desired.