Linked charts not updating correctly in PowerPoint (MAC)

Copper Contributor

I've created a program for a client where there are a number of charts in Excel - and have them linked to powerpoint files (on both Windows and Mac).  The simple example is a basic clustered column chart (say there are 4 columns of data: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4).  


When you paste this into PowerPoint on Windows as a linked excel chart and then update the data - the update happens correctly. You can adjust the values in the year columns and it updates, and you can adjust the number of columns (years) (say now we want to have Year 5 and Year 6).  As long I update the excel chart the windows powerpoint chart updates fine.


The problem is on the Mac side.  If you take that same chart and link it in - if you update the data (say values in the year column on the spreadsheet) it updates fine.  It's if you change the number of columns (say have 3 years or 7 years instead of the starting number) - it doesn't update.  The same thing happens with line charts if you change the number of data points.


The linking is being done correctly (doing paste special and choosing linking) so I know it's not that - and the data values are updating - but any thing that really changest the nature of the chart doesn't work on Mac.  Anyone have any ideas how to work around this?

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